This is another of our love film rentals called chocolate, It is a film from Thailand about an autistic girl whos mother is ill and needs money for medication, her friend come across a book with names and addresses of people who owe her money. The girl and her friend take it upon themselves to collect he money from these people using the young girls extraordinary talent for martial arts. Because of her autism she has the ability to mimic martial arts from watching people practise, films and video games. There is more to the storyline than that but I found it compelling watching from start to finish. I have worked with several people with autism and it is a fact that they can have a certain talent or knowledge in one or more areas that surpass others and the idea of this girl learning martial arts from just watching it is awesome. The fight sequences are very realistic and if you watch the documenntary of the film you will see why. It took a few years of training and if you watch the out takes all the stunts are real.

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