These images are from a T.V programe called pushing daisies. I found the images from
http://www.imdb.com/ . Digressing from pushing daisies for a moment imdb is a great website for settling disputes, quite often my boyfriend and I have little bets when we are watching films. I would say oh thats so and so from another film and he would say no its not! we would bet a weeks worth of washing up on it then type in the actor/actress names into imdb and it will tell you what films they are in! great! Whats not great however is the fact that i quite often get it wrong!!
Anywho Pushing daisies is one of my most favourite programes ever! I did not catch it on T.v I rented the box sets and was horrified to learn that the show had been axed! booo! The costume and the imagery is soo beautiful, its colourful and retro. Not only that but its quirky and the storey lines are humorous and inventive. Well worth a watch.
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